PPYT Mesir


Persatuan Perubatan Yayasan Terengganu Mesir dianggotai oleh pelajar-pelajar tajaan Yayasan Terengganu dan persendirian yang melanjutkan pengajian dalam bidang perubatan di Mesir.

Faculty of Medicine Mansurah University


Mansoura University is famous for its specialized Medical centers, which provide both medical and academic services. They include the main mansoura university hospital, the children hospital, the specialized hospital for general internal diseases, the ophthalmology center, the digestive system center and the Urology and Nephrology center. The latter is the biggest of its kind in the Middle East.

Ain Shams University


Ain Shams University, as the third Egyptian university, was founded in July 1950 under the name of "Ibrahim Pasha University". It participated with the two earlier universities, "Cairo University" (Fua'd the 1st ) and "Alexandria University" (Farouk the 1st) in fulfilling the message of universities and meeting the increasing demand of youth for higher education.

Migrain,Headache,Hiccup dan Asthma

Posted by ~Persatuan Perubatan Yayasan Terengganu Mesir~ On 4:24 PM

Assalamulaikum kawan2..gane lening stdy??ada baik ke?hehehe..sy sekadar nk kongsi dgn kamu2 sumea sedikit info..yela.,manelah tahu kita boleh amal2kn..jgn risau!!!ini semua berdasarkn sumber yg betul..bukan ajaran ayah peng@ajaran nabi umat melayu..hehehe..jom singgoh meta..

Tahukah anda...

Jika anda mengalami:

a) Headache

  Treatment: Aspirin + Caffein

  • Aspirin(panadol,@pape ubat pening kepala) bertindak sbgai analgesic(mengurangkan kesakitan) manakala Caffein pula adalah sejenis agen yg vasoconstriction of cerebrsl vessel..so,headache can be decreased by it as headache occur due to vasodilatation of cerebral vessel.

b) Migrain

  Treatment: Ergot + Caffein

  • Ergot adalah sejenis agen yg bertindak sbgai vasoconstriction of cerebral blood vessel dan caffein juga bertindak sbgai vasoconstriction of blood vessel.so, with both of them,we can decrease the intensity of migrain.

*Caffein ni ada dalam tea,coffee,cacao,and cola(air berkarbonat)

c) Asthma

: caffein is xanthines which is direct smooth muscle relaxant

  • Asthma ni terjadi bila muscle di bronchi kita mengecut@vasoconstriction of bronchi.so,to avoid asthma@vasoconstriction of bronchi,we use caffein which can relax the bronchi.

d) Sedu yang berpanjangan(hiccup)

  • we use Carbon Dioxide. Ambik plastik,tengkup muka hembus nafas sedut dgn hidung smula.ulang byk2 kali..insyaALLAH ada kesannya as CO2 can stimulate some centre in brain.

Haaa...apa komen kwn2 sume??percaya atau tidak??hehehe..same2 la kita try2..sume ape yg sy dah belajar kat klas pharmacology..hehehe..same2la kite beramal..

renung2kn..selamat beramal...

5 Response to "Migrain,Headache,Hiccup dan Asthma"

  1. Anonymous Said,

    asthma? ehe...
    lepok dah.. hahaaha.. berrrreeehhh..


  2. Anonymous Said,

    oloooooooo lah..demo kuat benar kener asma' time kecik-kecik dah uik..takdok ko nyakit namo lain..


  3. Anonymous Said,

    kecik-kecik jah ko keno nyakit nih?buke ko besa-besa pun koho truk keno???tapi peseng laing siket.hahahaa


  4. woit...ape da..da nk buat camne penyakit tu diberi nama asthma?xde kena mengena ngn yg idop dan mati..marah kat org bg name tu..

    nyakit bile besor jadi peseng lain sbb kite cari sendiri..kalu xcari nyakit xdenya penyakit tu mai..prevention is better than cure?am i rite..

    sory if salah komen..hehe=)


  5. Dr Kadir Said,

    Kesiannya kene tengkup muka dengan plastik camtu utk hiccup, boleh jugak tutup hidung and telan-telan air liur.

    Ada satu cara lagi yang biasa boleh dibuat bila kene hiccup iaitu dengan tekan kat bahagian tengah pergelangan tangan bila hiccup iaitu area p6 dalam peta acupunture.


    cubala try.



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